文章: 257
344 于 2009-09-23 04:30
YELLOW EYE wrote: Gforce wrote: seafishfans wrote: LeungRoy wrote: G-Foce,洗咩理佢呀,同佢講都多餘啦!!!! 中文一句兩句又唔識分, 朋友既英文名又打錯 最奇怪叫人, "洗咩理佢呀,同佢講都多餘啦!!!!", 但自己又三番四次理呢個 post 喎 Gentlemen, there is no point of attacking each other without a valid argument unlike someone who can't even understand the term "recommendation." I know who he is and by reading his comment, you know he just want to start a fight. LeungRoy, I have explained to seafishfans the situation and he understands it. I think seafishfans is reasonable and wants to get some issue fixed, but the way he expressed it may not be acceptable to everyone. I hope this settles the argument at least and lets see how things turn out. 呢個係中文魚網, 用番中文好D, 用英文係咪代表高人一等呢, 不過可能師兄吾識中文, 又可能吾係中國人 咦! 就來到年尾, 吾知到時仲有冇白點藥團購呢 其實做板主最重要係乜, 我就覺得"品德"最重要喇 我有兩部機, 一部有中文, 一部冇, 看家人用邊部. 你睇唔明係你問題. 不過我唔except街市人睇得明. 同人講品德出D垃圾post... |