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作者 今日星期3 魚單

文章: 1534
1 于 2015-07-29 08:00  觀看該用戶的個人資料  主頁:    搜尋這個用戶發表的所有文章  把文章內容复制到剪貼板。
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玫瑰雀 Rose belly wrasse Novaculichthys taeniourus 4
Blue side wrasse Cirrhilabrus rubrimarginatus 3
Ord. Long jaw wrasse Cheilinus Oxycephalus S 1
虎紋海參 Tiger sea cucumber Holothuria thomasi 6
Clown Shrimp Hymenocera Picta L 2
Hermit crab Dardanus species 2
Melanurus wrasse Halichoeres melanurus 6
Blue starfish Linkia laevigata 4
Turbo Snail Tenctus fenestratus 10
Dog face puffer Arothorn nigropichtatus S 1
金頭蝠 Pinnatus batfish Platax pinnatus S 1
Blue Lobster M 1
Banded shark Chiloscyllium punctatum M 1
Malcolor snapper M 1
Yellow grouper Pseudochromis aureus SM 4
Maroon Clown Premnas biaculeatus M 2
班馬仙 Zebra angel Genicanthus Melanospilos L 1
毛巾 Regal angel Pygollitis Diacanthus M 1
Sailfin tang Zebrasoma veliferum M 2
Emperor angel (Adult) Pomacanthus Emperor M 1
藍燕仙 Watanabe (Female) Genicanthus Watanabe S 1
Yellow grouper Pseudochromis aureus S 2
Red snapper T 1
4-stripe damsel Chromis limbaughi 14
Blue Damsel Chrysiptera Cyanea 20
藍頭魔 Blue head damsel 20
Green chromis Chromis virdis M 19
White Tail Damsel Chromis Bicolor 11
Sergeant major damsel Abudefduf saxatilis S 10
Tomato clown Amphiprion frenatus T 9
Tomato clown Amphiprion frenatus S 4
Tomato clown Amphiprion frenatus M 4
星點巴士 Starry blenny Salarias ramosus 1
Percula clown Amphiprion ocellaris M 35
Percula clown Amphiprion ocellaris L 9
Maroon Clown Premnas biaculeatus T 13
Pink Damsel Chrysiptera rex 5
Yellow tang Acanthurus pyroferus S 2
Yellow tang Acanthurus pyroferus T 4
Banana snapper Lutjanus Viridis M 3
黑武士 Black percula clown Amphiprion Latezonatus M 6
African clown Amphiprion Clarkii 15
Coral beauty angel Centropyge Bispinosos T 2
Oriole angel Centropyge Bicolor T 1
Flagfin angel (Juv) Apolemicthys Trimaculatus 1
Spotted grunt Plectorhinchus chaetodonoides S 1
Powder brown tang Acanthurus japonicus S 5
Brown tang Zebrasoma scopas M 5
Yellow tang Acanthurus pyroferus M 6
火箭吊 Yellow Fin tang Ctenochaetus Teminiensis M 1
Eight banded butt Chaetodon octofasciatus S 2
Auriga butterfly Chaetodon Auriga SM 5
Dwarf lionfish Dendrochirus brachypterus M 1
Klennie butterfly Chaetodon Klennie S 1
獅子魚 Brown peacock lion Pterois lunulata S 1
Coral hog fish Bodianus mesothorax M 3
Blue face trigger (male) Xanthichthys auromarginathus M 1
Black & White Heniochus Heniochus acuminatus S 2
Black & White Heniochus Heniochus acuminatus M 3
蕃皇 Harlequin tusk wrasse Liemadella Fasciata M 1
Watanabe (Female) Genicanthus Watanabe M 1
彩龍 Red wrasse (Adult) Coris gaimard africana M 2
Scooter blenny Neosynchiropus ocellatus 5
Salarias goby Salarias fasciatus 4
White goby Valenciennea Pullaris 4
Melanurus wrasse Halichoeres melanurus 2
Pilot fish T 2
Valentini puffer Canthigaster valentini S 2
Strawberry grouper Pseudochromis porphyreus 4
Starry blenny Salarias ramosus 1
Black & White Heniochus Heniochus acuminatus T 4
Yellow angel Centropyge Heraldi L 3
Coral beauty angel Centropyge Bispinosos M 3
Coral beauty angel Centropyge Bispinosos S 1
Queen Angel Chaetodontoplus Mesoleocus M 1
Queen Angel Chaetodontoplus Mesoleocus S 2
Oriole angel Centropyge Bicolor M 2
半月仙Halfmoon Angel Holacanthus Venustus M 1
11 間仙 Banded Angel Centropyge Multifasciatus SM 3
6 間仙 Six bar angel (Adult) Euxiphipops Sextriatus S 1
日本燕 Japanese Swallow Angel L 4
Yellow grouper Pseudochromis aureus SM 4
Emperor angel (Juv) Pomacanthus Emperor L 1
藍面 Blue face angel -adult Euxiphipops Xanthometapon M 1
Zebra angel Genicanthus Melanospilos L 1
眼鏡燕 Bellus stripe angel (Female) Genicanthus Bellus S 1
Red Bottom Anemone Heteractics spp. 5
White Flat Anemone Radianthus simplex M 1
紅星 Red starfish 10
Red marble starfish 3
Red parrot fish Paracheilinus filamentosus M 5
Yellow watchman goby Amblyeotris Randalli 4
Red wrasse (Adult) Coris gaimard africana M 1

bm 修改于 2015-07-29 08:17

地址 筲箕灣(地鐵A3出口


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地址 筲箕灣(地鐵A3出口

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