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作者 回覆: Beginner New Nano Tank - Need Advice

文章: 3302
于 2009-07-05 13:09  觀看該用戶的個人資料  寄 Email 給 jay  搜尋這個用戶發表的所有文章  把文章內容复制到剪貼板。
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some questions:

1. what kind of corals that you plan to keep
SPS, LPS , softies

2. just wondier if these stuffs are on your buying list:
i. chiller (it is a must if SPS is your goal)
ii. RO/DI (wise choice, if it is feasible)
iii. Ca reactor (if you plan to keep SPS)
iv. Test kits, (suggest using Salifert)

btw, i suppose you have filled your tank with "unfiltered Tap water"
i believe the water is of high readings of NO3 and PO4.
beware of these readings before you put livestock in your tank.

back to your question, just put filter cotton in your canister filter at the moment
for the other filter media, use it when the readings tell

Beginner New Nano Tank - Need Advice - dbchan , 2009-07-05 11:38
回覆: Beginner New Nano Tank - Need Advice - jay , 2009-07-05 13:09
回覆: Beginner New Nano Tank - Need Advice - dbchan , 2009-07-05 23:15
回覆: Beginner New Nano Tank - Need Advice - jay , 2009-07-06 09:37
回覆: Beginner New Nano Tank - Need Advice - WINGHO , 2010-09-19 02:45

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