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作者 回覆: SEA APPLE

文章: 151
于 2002-09-06 15:07  觀看該用戶的個人資料  寄 Email 給 guardian  搜尋這個用戶發表的所有文章  把文章內容复制到剪貼板。
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Sea Apple

Foods: These will eat nomourous amounts of planktons and algeas. They do filter feed the water very well, up to 100 gallons per hour. So make sure to provide tos of planktons.

Lighting: No spacific lighting needs required.

Hardyness: No too hardy. Dies under the best conditions, and sually poisons the tank, and has everything go down with it. The average life for these guys ranges from 1 month, to 2 years in aquariums. A make sure that your waater is good, and it doesnt like ANY trate, ammonia, or Trite. pH should be 8.2, calcium should be 400-450ppm, etc.

Current: These like a bit of current, although they will move around to find the right spot

SEA APPLE - guardian , 2002-09-03 11:49
回覆: SEA APPLE - iczfirz , 2002-09-03 15:53
回覆: SEA APPLE - qqleo , 2002-09-03 22:54
回覆: SEA APPLE - iczfirz , 2002-09-04 00:44
回覆: SEA APPLE - guardian , 2002-09-04 14:26
回覆: SEA APPLE - iczfirz , 2002-09-04 16:33
回覆: SEA APPLE - brendan5 , 2002-09-04 18:55
回覆: SEA APPLE - guardian , 2002-09-06 15:07
回覆: SEA APPLE - guardian , 2002-09-06 15:10
回覆: SEA APPLE - iczfirz , 2002-09-06 15:18

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