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作者 New Here!!!!

文章: 225
于 2004-04-28 21:43  觀看該用戶的個人資料  寄 Email 給 skm01  搜尋這個用戶發表的所有文章  把文章內容复制到剪貼板。
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Dear All,
I am new here, and just start learning, and I order a tank already and will avaible next week(friday). The shop told me that if my room temp. not higher than 32C, I dont need to buy 水冷, is that true? my tank size is 30'16'28 and the 沙缸 is 22'10'20, what size of CL水冷 to buy 250 or 650? or I dont need to buy? Also, I planning to buy the PH meter, which brand you guys prefer? And after my tank ready, how long I have to wait put small fish in my tank to start the N-Cycle? After I get my tank, I will post photos up here.....Million Thanks.....

PS: Sorry I dont know how to type chinese, sorry about that!!!!

New Here!!!! - skm01 , 2004-04-28 21:43
回覆: New Here!!!! - GTI , 2004-04-28 21:56
回覆: New Here!!!! - 白熊 , 2004-04-28 21:59
回覆: New Here!!!! - skm01 , 2004-04-28 22:57
回覆: New Here!!!! - GTI , 2004-04-29 07:50

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