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作者 魚網耐不耐大幾十秒冇左反應

文章: 14186
來自: 我回來了
于 2002-12-20 11:23  觀看該用戶的個人資料  主頁: http://www.aquarium.org.hk  搜尋這個用戶發表的所有文章  把文章內容复制到剪貼板。
只适用于 IE :-)
以下係呢排個魚網耐不耐冇左反應既原因... 我老細同datacenter講左..

We found that the "ICMP Time exceeded"
>occurred frequency(See the attached message log). Please use a UNIX
>machine to ping our server, since the PC will ignore all ICMP Time exceed
>problems. I think you should take some actions to help me to check the ip
>that trigger the problem. Please reply your investigation results.


>I understand this issue must affect your daily operation.
>The IP address which is the access layer node in our
>bandwidth provider. That means those packets haven't reach our network.
>FYI, we have scheduled to upgrade our DataCentre network at the end of
>January 2003 which has not been disclosed yet. You will receive updated
>information and will include new IP address assignment. The IP address
>assignment will be changed to public IP address instead of NAT. The new 10M
>direct connection to HKIX and 5M Internet trunk must increase the
>performance and stability.
>I understand time is business. I would like to thank you anyway for your
>continual supporting to our service and raise out your problem. Your
>help us to serve you better.

我老細話睇到二月.. 如果二月都仲係咁.. 就會搬..

問題或承受過 不相信拋下過 最後決定一雙肩膊別太肩膊

魚網耐不耐大幾十秒冇左反應 - iczfirz , 2002-12-20 11:23

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請大家技持更換新主機啦, 多謝!