Topic: Maldives Fish - 12-Oct-02 at 2100 hours

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Maldives Fish - 12-Oct-02 at 2100 hours Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Derby-海域
Posted on: 2002-10-10 01:42

Maldives Fish arriving at Saturday night at 2100 hours with the followings:-

Cream Angel
Amitage Angel
Deep Sea Butterflies (Juv)
Assorted Gobies
Assorted Anthias/wrass

回覆: Maldives Fish - 12-Oct-02 at 2100 hours Copy to clipboard
Posted by: winkris
Posted on: 2002-10-11 15:23

Which shop~~??

回覆: Maldives Fish - 12-Oct-02 at 2100 hours Copy to clipboard
Posted by: nebula
Posted on: 2002-10-11 18:02


回覆: 回覆: Maldives Fish - 12-Oct-02 at 2100 hours Copy to clipboard
Posted by: EdwardChu
Posted on: 2002-10-12 09:49

nebula wrote:


回覆: Maldives Fish - 12-Oct-02 at 2100 hours Copy to clipboard
Posted by: brendan5
Posted on: 2002-10-12 13:25

你個名咁confuse ge?.......8D

回覆: Maldives Fish - 12-Oct-02 at 2100 hours Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Derby-海域
Posted on: 2002-10-13 13:01


Not confuse, 海域o既英文名係Derby丫嘛 !!!!!!

回覆: Maldives Fish - 12-Oct-02 at 2100 hours Copy to clipboard
Posted by: brendan5
Posted on: 2002-10-13 16:44

哈哈~......意思係: 就咁睇落好似海域 鋪上來賣廣告姐;)

回覆: 回覆: Maldives Fish - 12-Oct-02 at 2100 hours Copy to clipboard
Posted by: EdwardChu
Posted on: 2002-10-13 20:56

brendan5 wrote:
哈哈~......意思係: 就咁睇落好似海域 鋪上來賣廣告姐;)

:D I think not confuse......because hwl post Live Rocks shipment and Ken-hkmarine post at Oct., 09, 02, time at 14:36pm. same post at web-site, just only information to all member shipment.....but i can't accept all the shop hard sales at this web-site.

回覆: Maldives Fish - 12-Oct-02 at 2100 hours Copy to clipboard
Posted by: iczfirz
Posted on: 2002-10-13 21:19

太hard sales.. 人人都怕... 但講番貨期就冇得頂...

回覆: Maldives Fish - 12-Oct-02 at 2100 hours Copy to clipboard
Posted by: nebula
Posted on: 2002-10-13 22:20

哈!我就很高興見到各大小魚店的番貨預告,亦因此見識到Amitage Angel 軍佬仙的魅力。:D:)及kenneth-HKmarine的靚埃及毛巾。而且這些魚店都以真名post資料上來,大大方方,我唔覺得有乜野問題?

回覆: Maldives Fish - 12-Oct-02 at 2100 hours Copy to clipboard
Posted by: eddi
Posted on: 2002-10-15 13:22

any photo for 軍佬仙 ?

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