Topic: 只花115美金,自己動手做水冷

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只花115美金,自己動手做水冷 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Gundaman
Posted on: 2002-05-30 09:51

An article from:

It is initially for CPU's cooling. But I think with our imagination, we can transform it into aquarium compatible chiller. Please check yourself whether it is useful.:D

有時間我一定會研究, DIY都幾好玩, 又學到野.8D:I:P

(Attn.:我對PC的hardware冇乜認識, 如果根本冇可能都唔好笑我呀!:D)

回覆: 只花115美金,自己動手做水冷 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: iczfirz
Posted on: 2002-05-30 10:42

現兜兜... US99 [url=][img][/img][/url] 再去新填地買個控溫開關就得.
但搞咁多野.. 不如等海利新小型水冷出好過.. 仲平d.. 唔洗搞咁多野:D

回覆: 只花115美金,自己動手做水冷 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: Gundaman
Posted on: 2002-05-30 21:39


今日在專賣假珊瑚果間野見到呢隻野, 不過冇入去問, 我估最少要$1000(US$99).:(

也在大堡礁見到Azoo新出果部迷你chiller, 有分100L和200L缸用的, 不過都是冇問幾多錢, 有冇魚友問過呀?:)

回覆: 只花115美金,自己動手做水冷 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: iczfirz
Posted on: 2002-05-30 21:45

有人講過話都幾海鮮價.. 最高聽過問到1800.. 最低聽過係800.. 海王好似Azoo100L係1100..200L係2200.. 俾我我會選azoo.. 起碼係台灣野...同埋上面出入水... 慳d位..

回覆: 只花115美金,自己動手做水冷 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: gordonwong98
Posted on: 2002-06-01 11:37


Any more information (e.g. spec, schedule) of the mini hoi-lei chiller?

Thanks! :D

回覆: 只花115美金,自己動手做水冷 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: iczfirz
Posted on: 2002-06-01 13:57


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